
S3:E5.1 John "Woody" Corsini Jr.

May 20, 2022

*LOUD NOISES* *EXPLOSIONS* *CHAINSAWS*... YOU'RE LISTENING TO NOTHING BUTT ROCK RADIO!!! ... But seriously. Welcome back to another episode where we get heavy with our friend John "Woody" Corsini Jr., drummer of Cincinnati's own Split The Abyss, as well as the host of The Metal Connection, broadcasting every Saturday night at midnight on 88.3 FM WAIF! We sat down with Woody to discuss Split the Abyss, radio hosting, songwriting, anime (again), and cults! We had an amazing time and are looking forward to checking out Split the Abyss at their upcoming show at Northside Tavern, 7-29-22! Come hang out with us and be sure to check these guys out, as well as WAIF Radio! Stick around until the end of the episode to hear the Split the Abyss track, These Terrible Depths! Split the Abyss Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SplitTheAbyss Split the Abyss Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/SplitTheAbyss1 WAIF Radio website: https://www.waifradio.org/

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